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Text File  |  1996-08-04  |  11KB  |  428 lines

  1. object AboutBox: TAboutBox
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  327.           Caption = 'The following people have generously donated'
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  376.             'Sean Brown'
  377.             'Allen Fleishman'
  378.             'Christopher Hoekstra'
  379.             'Luc St-Germain'
  380.             'Howard Posner'
  381.             'Matt Gordon (Warlock)'
  382.             'Jonathan Broome'
  383.             'Tim Gahagan (Ragman)'
  384.             'Dan Gilbert (Sykotic)'
  385.             'Jeff Moore'
  386.             'ray landers of Rhinoceros Kitchen'
  387.             'Marty Evans'
  388.             'Chris Steele (Thak)')
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  426.   end
  427. end